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MQTT Topics

Home Buttons uses MQTT to communicate with you smart home.

Here is a list of topics that are used by the device:

Topic Description Retained
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/button_{1-4} When button {1-4} is pressed, "PRESS is published to this topic. No
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/button_{1-4}_double When button {1-4} is pressed 2 times, "PRESS is published to this topic. No
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/button_{1-4}_triple When button {1-4} is pressed 3 times, "PRESS is published to this topic. No
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/button_{1-4}_quad When button {1-4} is pressed 4 times, "PRESS is published to this topic. No
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/temperature Temperature in °C or °F, depending on the setup choice. Published on button press and every N minutes, specified by Sensor Interval. No
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/humidity Relative humidity in %. Published on button press and every N minutes, specified by Sensor Interval. No
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/battery Battery charge in %. Published on button press and every N minutes, specified by Sensor Interval. No
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/btn_{1-4}_label Current label of button {1-4}. Yes
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/sensor_interval Current sensor publish interval in minutes. Yes
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/awake_mode Current state of Awake mode Yes
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/awake_mode/availability Indicates when Awake mode is available (available only when DC power source is connected). "online" or "offline" Yes
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/cmd/btn_{1-4}_label Command to change label of button {1-4} to new value. Topic cleared by device when received. Yes
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/cmd/sensor_interval Command to change sensor publish interval. 5 - 60 minutes. Topic cleared by device when received. Yes
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/cmd/awake_mode Command to change Awake mode setting. "ON" or "OFF. Topic cleared by device when received. Yes
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/cmd/disp_msg Display a custom message on device. Topic cleared by device when received. Yes
{BASE_TOPIC}/{DEVICE_NAME}/cmd/schedule_wakeup Schedule next wakeup. Value in seconds. Topic cleared by device when received. Yes
  • {BASE_TOPIC} - Configured during setup. Default is homebuttons.
  • {DEVICE_NAME} - Name of device as configured during setup and shown in Home Assistant